Counselor's Corner
(P) (219) 873-2114, ext. 6805
Meet the Counselor
Hi! I'm Mr. Schena, your Pine Elementary School Counselor. I want to see our Pine children thriving in body, mind & spirit while they're getting a heck of an education with a wonderful fine arts infusion at Pine.
I don't teach "readin', writin', or 'rithmetic" on a daily basis like the teachers do. I do teach our children about developing a positive character for themselves, getting along with (and even helping) others, and exploring careers for their future. I do this in 1-on-1 interactions (both scheduled & informally), in small groups, and in classroom presentations. The children might also tell you that they frequently see me supervising lunch recesses, helping Mrs. Bolen teach piano after school, and coaching soccer.
A lot of what I've learned about working with children I've learned from good teachers, principals, and counselors before me. I also learned some things at Purdue, I.U.S.B., and The Gregorian University in Rome. I earned two bachelors degrees and two masters degrees for my efforts at those places.
My favorite hobbies are:
- doing things, going places, & just hanging out with my family,
- fishing, gardening, & just about anything to do with the outdoors,
- always learning more about history & science, &
- involving myself & my family at our church.
Enough about me, how about you and your family? If things at Pine are going well for you & yours, great! If there are problems, let me know and let's talk. I believe that if we put our heads together and keep our minds open, we can move almost any situation in a better direction!
Pax et Bonum!
Mr. Schena
Student Resources
I am here to help Pine Students:
Working out friendship problems
Setting goals
Working well with others
Feeling good about yourself
Adjusting to a new school
Learning how to make decisions
Managing your feelings
(stress, worry, anger, etc.) -
Dealing with peer pressure and bullying
Additional Student Resources
Homework Help:
Online Almanac:
Spelling help:
Family Resources
I am here to help Pine Parents:
- Exploring ways to help your child succeed
- Improving parent -child communications
- Referrals for community sources
- Understanding the developmental changes of childhood
- Information to help understand your child’s special needs
* Please note school counselors do not provide “therapy” or “traditional counseling.” Referrals for outside counseling services are available for children experiencing grief, divorce, family separation, deployment, or mental health concerns.
Family Resources
Behavioral Health Hospital:
Local Mental Health:
Suicide Prevention: